Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Floating Through Prague

So Sunday ended up being my vege day. I did some knitting (Gennie taught me how to knit in the round so I’m making a leg warmer) watched some Friends on my laptop and went to studio for dinner. Later I did ab-solutions with a few girls at the hostel and eventually went to bed. Monday I had a nice slushy run in the morning and studio in the afternoon. I made sausage risotto for dinner which was pretty well received, I think, and I also made a cheesecake for Tuesday. Later on a group of us went to the Shitting Cat for a few drinks - always good fun.

Today Beekeeping was canceled so I had a free day. Gennie Jeremy and I decided to spend the day walking around Mala Strana (Little Quarter.) Everything there was really cute and colorful and the day turned out to be pretty nice considering we woke up to windy, wet snow and more slush. We also saw the Fred and Ginger Building (nick-named for Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers) or “Dancing House” while we were out, which is way cool to look at but is really just a boring office building inside.
In other news today is Mardi Gras, or “Carnival” here, so many of us are planning to head out on the town tonight for some cultural enlightenment. I’m working on a headdress right now. It has pink flowers :) Also, the Cheesecake turned out pretty good; people made yummy noises.

Some Notes about Prague:
1. Everyone has a dog, they take them with them everywhere, and the majority of them are smaller than a football.
2. The air here is comprised of about 90% cigarette smoke and 10% cloudiness. You cannot escape it, not even in sleep.
3. The metro system kicks ass, but only till 12 am. The tram system takes over from here and requires at least one sober mind to navigate.
4. Lots of snow and slush but no where to play in it :(
5. The air is coldest in the middle of the day
6. “No” (short for Ano) means yes -verrrry confusing and misleading
7. Lots and lots of pretty (but expensive) glass stuff in all the stores.
7. Still no cookies to be found :(


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