Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cafe Hopping and a Special Baguette

2-2-09 (Monday)

We woke up to snow covered roofs this morning, and a silent rain washing it all away. We moved out of the hostel, and since our little group of four had seen all the sites we wanted to, we decided to make it a low key day and do some café hopping. We hit La Faumburg first we I had coffee and a delicious nuttella crepe. We lingered there for as long as we could (much longer than any US restaurant would dream of allowing) and then ventured back out into the rain. We popped into a grocery store next, for no specific reason, and there I bought a tasty looking baguette for only .75 Euro whom we named Jean Claude. Gennie provided him with a marker face and voila! Our group was up to five. We then proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon creating photo ops for Jean Claude at every shop we stopped in. (I think his favorite was the bookstore where he read about crepes)

We stopped at Starbucks for a little while to lounge while we wrote postcards. Then we delivered them to the post office and headed back to the hostel to leave for the airport. We arrived early to the airport and our flight was delayed 1 ½ hours. So we played some card games for the first 30 minutes or so, and then everyone sat and stared painfully at each other until we were allowed to board. After the bus from the airport and metro we arrived back at our pension around 12:30 am. Ugh.
Oh and also we ate Jean Claude while we were waiting :(



  1. Hi Lauren,
    Great blog. I'm glad to see you are blogging. I've been blogging for a year now, but unfortunately not to many people read my blog, except for a few colleagues. I guess blogging about a school library is not as interesting as blogging about Prague and Paris. I also created a blog for my family(extended) so everyone could keep in touch, but that didn't catch on either.
    I am enjoying reading about your adventures. I will follow your blog and keep writing to mine (even though I am talking to myself). I think it's a great tool. You might also want create a Twitter account - for short quick updates when you don't have time to blog. Have fun.

  2. Dear Lauren,
    Hola, chica...that's not czech, of course. We're here on Chancery now "stooping" with your folks. I saw your lamp, and I just had to send you off my regards. Sounds like you have been seizing your days. I hope that your folks get to visit you on your spring break. Hey, when you get to Barcelona, blog me so that we can speak our beloved language. Well, your Dad is back with the pizzas. So, keep enjoying all your wonderful experiences. Take care. Hugs and kisses (Mrs. Esposito doesn't send you them!)

    Love you,
    Mrs. Clark
