Sunday, February 8, 2009

Back in Town

So I’ve been back in Prague for almost a week now , and I have to say its nice to be free of Parisian prices. 4 days of 4 Euro beers is just too much for too long. We got back late Monday night, and Tuesday was a free day for me, so I just did some grocery shopping, attempted to skype mom without a microphone (unsuccessful) and went to dinner with Anna, Jeremy and Rima at Putna - a Mexican restaurant where I had an awesome and cheap mixed vegetable “salad” (oddly many of the salads here seem to lack lettuce).

Wednesday was the first day of classes. I had fashion/costume design studio 9-11:40 where our professors (Nina and Ladislav) left us to construct 3-D “anythings” out of paper for 2 ½ hours. I made a mobile with hanging flowers, which was evaluated as “vary naiiice” by Ladislav and “yah yah it looks like maybe a some vary nice jewelry” by Nina. Success? I’ll let you be the judge. We had Fashion history after that, which, in a nutshell, consisted of Nina flipping through very information-dense power point slides at an alarmingly fast rate, Ladislav talking about them (Yah Yah this was very important style yah) and us trying frantically to copy down as much info as we could before the slide changed /slash figuring out what we would be expected to remember from the lesson, then eventually giving up, watching the flashing, fading, and disorienting layering of images on the screen, and wondering just who the hell taught Nina how to use Power point.

Thursday consisted of another 3-d paper class in studio ( I made a paper dress and hat for my little wooden figure.) I had a little break then I sat in on the Czech language class and actually learned a great deal of helpful information . The teacher is very fun and upbeat, so the class was good and I think I will continue going for a while. After that was Fashion illustration (with Nina and Lad again!) where we drew draping fabric for almost 3 hours - Eleanor and I strayed from draping for a little while to draw some figures. Lad thought this was “vary naiice,” Nina gave us more drapery to draw. After this very long day several of us went to get Eurodogs for dinner ( 20 Koruna ($1) hot dog in a tube of bread, with not enough mustard, in my opinion - looks kinda like a corn dog) then we went to café café for some delicious cakes. Later on almost our entire group went out to Radost FX- a Dance club one metro stop away. Lots of fun, drinking and dancing. On the downside of the fun, my favorite black ballerina flats now have small holes forming in the backs, but on the plus side, this suggests that my dance moves/skills may have reached a new level.

Friday was a sleep till noon type of day, followed by a group trip to Bohemia Bagel for brunch (an American style bagel/breakfast place)I went to the motor café for internet, ran with Blakeley, then dined around the corner at Obycejny Suet with Rima and Blakeley - most definitely the best French onion soup I have ever had in my life and only 30 Koruna!!

Saturday I shopped with Gennie, Anna and Blakely in Wenceslas square. We hit New Yorker, (where I bought fabulous yellow boots! ) H&M, Zara, and Mango. Then anna and I went grocery shopping and to Café Louvre for their renown hot chocolate (might as well have been a melted chocolate bar! yum.) Then I successfully skyped mom and dad, got more French onion soup with Rima and went out to Club Cross with several girls. I decided this was both the coolest place I’ve ever seen (crazy clock like insides with killer light stuff) and simultaneously the sketchiest. Getting home was also an effort, but we are slowly figuring out the tram system - me being the slowest of course.

Today is Laundry day. I’m at a Laundromat several blocks away and Its very expensive here so I think in the future I will wash more of my stuff in the sinks at the Hostel. I’m hoping to make Stromboli later tonight at the institute, but as of now my search for pizza dough and normal deli ham continues.


1 comment:

  1. i have to agree with you on the expensive beer sucking ass. a beer at a bar here, in sweden, can be 7 or 8 dollars. at the student clubs they are only 2 or 3 dollars though.

    and the salad. i agree again, i hate it. it tastes bad and usually is nothing more than cabbage and other random things.
