Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring Break Countdown

Mardi Gras (Carnival) in Prague was fun. Our whole group went out together to a club event thing that was organized by some other Americans and had a fun time dancing. I didn't drink anything all night because my stomach was acting up (There has been a miniature plague being passed around our group since day one, that i want to have no part of) so i found it a little harder than usual to strike my groove on the dance floor, (alarmingly harder!) but i still had fun going out and wearing my headdress.

Wednesday was 9am studio as usual (a hungover one for the rest) followed by a Fashion History field trip to Klementinum- a museum with an historical fashion exhibit- and then the Chocolate Museum. We learned all about the history of chocolate, and I am now very grateful to the Mayans and Aztecs for their integral contribution to my life. This museum also featured posters toward the end with “FAQ’s about Chocolate” claiming that eating chocolate actually helps lower cholesterol and prevent cavities….the museum was also sponsored by Belcolade… but I think I might adopt their mentality for a while. Viva Chocolate!

Thursday was more sketching and designing for our midsummer night’s dream costumes in studio and in fashion illustration we drew self-portraits. I haven’t finished mine yet but I like the way its coming.

Friday was a glorious day. I awoke around 10:30 and began my day with a run. I was running towards the big scary TV tower thinking to myself …mmmm its fairly mild out today, how nice, I hope it doesn’t snow later. Then miraculously out of nowhere the sun appeared. . .(cue choruses of hallelujah)… this is its first sighting for a couple of weeks now and I was so bewildered and elated at its spontaneous appearance I almost tripped over my own feet and fell into a little old lady. Lucky for her I was able to catch myself, but i continued running blindly toward the brilliant beacon of sweet spring weather in the sky… ahhhh delicious vitamin D. It was a fickle beacon though and played peek -a-boo with me a few times before I reluctantly returned to the hostel in fatigue. I caught another glimpse of the elusive light on my way into studio, but it was once again fleeting. In studio I made a pair of Capri pants for my trip to Spain this week.- This week is spring break so Jeremy and I have a trip planned for Manchester & London, England and Alicante, Spain! I’m so excited I can hardly sit still and wait, while everyone else is leaving.

Saturday I had another lovely run and then Jeremy and I did laundry all day at the American friendly place a few blocks down. Hooray for smoke free clothing! Later we went to dinner at Sudicku, a small rusticky place around the block. They had delicious cheesy garlic soup, and tasty dark beer called Kozel Cerny. I also had a caprese salad but was too full to finish.

Today was another run, (it’s starting to get nicer out, I can’t resist) some last minute shopping (cute new blue raincoat for drizzly England), and packing finalization. Mostly I’m just trying to distract myself from flipping out, I’m so excited! Especially for Spain. I really miss the Hispanic culture and mentality I experienced in Peru. Prague is a wonderful, beautiful city but the people and lifestyles are very different here and the lingering communism aura can be a little depressing. I’m looking forward to sunny spring when nothing will be able to dampen my mood... But for right now, all I see is the sweet sunshine of Spanish beaches and handmade markets… ahhhhh. Back in a week.


1 comment:

  1. Yay for Spain!! I'm pretty jealous that you are going to the sunny warm part while I'm stuck up here in the wind and rain!
