Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Middle o' March

Here are the highlights of the last 2 weeks

Tuesday - Double beekeeping session, visited bee supplies shop near studio -cool beeswax candles and honey wine (mead). Blakeley develops rare puking disease from eating a chestnut.

Wednesday - puking disease continues, I remain unaffected

Thursday - I made banana bread which earned more yummy noises from the troops (and myself). We worked on our body blocks in studio. Blakeley emerges from toilet for the first time in 2 days. Gennie develops puking disease.

Friday - no class, Jeremy and I ventured to the top of the metronome/skate park, saw beautiful view of the city as I mumbled curses under my breath for not charging my camera batteries. We continued wandering about Narodni Tridu, and I got a strawberry milkshake at Café Imperial. I also tried fried cheese (glorified mozzarella stick in sandwich form) from Wenceslas Square earlier in the day. Gennie continues puking.

Saturday - Sunshine! and mild temperatures! I had a very good run around town. Later on a group of 8 of us went to U Fleku, Prague’s oldest brewery. Their beer was very tasty, and the atmosphere was very cool and old beer hall-esque, but it was a very touristy place and their prices reflected it. Also, one of the waiters got very agitated when we wouldn’t take the shots he was offering us (we found out beforehand that they weren’t free and are a bit of a trap) but he went away eventually mumbling about “tradition.” We met up with the rest of the group at a sports bar after that for the beginnings of March Madness. The place had cheap beer and paintings of famous American rock and rollers on the wall (thumbs up!). I had a fit of delight when I saw Bruce up there too :) (also, the puking disease appears to have died with Gennie.)

Sunday - I organized my registration stuff for the fall and made spaetsel for dinner.

Monday - packed for unplanned trip home and finished up sketchy leprechaun preparations

Tuesday-Sunday - early flight home and a week of family time.

Monday - back in Prague after a 6 hour layover in Heathrow due to an idiot security guy, who wouldn’t let me jump in line to make it to my flight. Luckily, the British Airways costumer service lady was very nice and gave me a food voucher along with my new flight which made the wait less painful. Made it back in time to sprint (in heels on cobblestones!) to the opera house with Jeremy, who had kindly waited for me with a ticket. We arrived 2 minutes too late for the 7pm door closing, but ran into the rest of the group at the café across the street with news that the show actually began at 8 and everyone had been misinformed. Hooray! So I was able to see the whole show which was nice but unfortunately my 16 hours of sleepless travel caught up with me in the plush chairs of the warm theatre, and I caught myself dozing off several times during each act. I’m still glad I was able to go though, the theatre itself was incredibly old and beautiful on the inside.

Tuesday - sleeeeep, rest, dinner, made fun-fetti cake (which Terry coined “America Cake”), shared it with ecstatic studio members, 80’s workout in room with Blakeley, shower, more sleep.

Today - doing some serious work in studio (only 4 ½ weeks left!) and Nina is officially obsessed with powerpoint effects. We spend more time watching pictures spin and glitter on the screen than we do learning why they are important.

In other news, our whole group is headed to Berlin on Friday morning for a long weekend. Cant wait!


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