Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pie Puppy Extraordinaire

Today I was making key lime pies to sell at work. After an hour of serious graham crushing and filling preparation, I pulled pies one and two out of the oven, and just as I was placing (with two hands, mind you) pie number three onto the perfectly placed center rack.... the foil pan flopped in half between my fingers, sloshing the entire pie onto the oven floor and the drawer below. Disbelief, followed by violent swearing ensued. Dad and Chris mosied over to see what i was cursing about, and the three of us stood there speechless, staring cluelessly at the sizzling mess for a good thirty seconds (perhaps trying to undo it with our minds?) before anyone said anything. Dad and Chris quickly mumbled some excuse about having to pick up chris's car at the very moment and before i could even aknowledge what they said i found myself alone in the house, holding my empty pie pan staring at the dripping goop by myself. Thanks guys.

The oven floor was pretty much helpless until the oven cooled down, so i began removing the goo and lids from the drawer below. I moved half the lids to the sink still grumbling to myself about being such a klutz and when i turned back around to grab the rest, i discovered my fuzzy black little pie mopping savior. Cole to the rescue! As if she were saying "I cant beleive those big goons just left you here, to clean up all this delicious pie by your self!" her cute little head burrowed into the lid drawer and assumed a steady and enthusiastic licking motion for the next five minutes. I cleaned up the big globs and she licked small globs, I rinsed the big ligs, and she handed me the small lids (not really, but that would have been awesome!) anyway it was teamwork at it's finest, and we totally stuck it to those lame boys who stranded us, while also enjoying a tangy snack all to ourselves.

The moral of this story is that I have the best puppy in the world, who I am now tempted to bake little puppy desserts for. Also be careful with foil pie pans. They will turn on you.


1 comment:

  1. Today is december 7th and this is the first I have heard about the Puppy Pie Episode. Maah
