Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Prague Wrap Up

Saturday (4/25) was a sunny final day in pretty Prague. I walked from the Mustek metro stop over to the metronome/skate park to get a last view of the beautiful red-roofed city. I wandered around in the park area up there for a while, found a little restaurant/house place with a gorgeous view of the river and bridges outside, watched oddles of dogs frolicking about and eventually made my way back to the hostel. Later that evening Andrew, Jeremy, Terry, Gennie and I went to ordinary people for a last meal and beer. Some final packing after that (mostly watching Blakeley try to stuff 4 tons of clothing in 2 half broken suitcases) and then some thinking about home, summer plans and how this trip has changed the way I feel going back to it all. I think these past three months in Prague have changed the way I look at the world, the way I think about other people and other cultures, and most of all how I see my own culture and the things that make it home for me. I’m so grateful for the experiences I had and the lessons I’ve learned. My only wish is that my family someday have the same opportunity they gave to me .


And now as my blogs about Prague come to a close, a new blog worthy interest has entered my life, in the form of a frisky 11 pound black lab-mix little girl puppy named Cole. Begin: The Puppy Tales

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